Merci à tous pour le réveil et action. Une bonne idée et un bon discours ne suffira pas, nous avons besoin de démontrer une détermination telle qu'ils ne peuvent que céder. Nous pouvons paralyser leur system email et fax, si il n'y a pas un changement immédiat. Ils commencent déjà à détourner les appels téléphoniques vous pouvez appeler Sylvan directement à (212) 739-7882 Le numéro fax est : (212) 682-6174. En attache, vous trouverez un message que nous proposons d'envoyer par email et par fax.
Adresse emails à utiliser : ,
Utiliser différents titres dans vos emails, éviter d'y inclure les mots Kagamé, Président, et Rwanda, ils peuvent bloquer tout messages avec des titres qui ont ces mots.
Ceci est pour la liberté d'expression et pour ceux qui ne peuvent plus parler pour eux-mêmes.
PS : Encouragez le plus de gens possible à le faire, le temps est très court.
Jean M Senga To: The Africa-America Institute
From: Concerned Congolese people and friends
Mr. Kagame is one of the main players in the death of over 5 million people in the D.R.Congo.
We are here expressing our anger and rage because of the decision by The Africa-America Institute to present to President Kagame the award, even when it is honoring the people of Rwanda .
Here are some of our recommendations for the award:
- Find a survivor of the genocide to receive the award on behalf of the people of Rwanda .
- If the time does not allow to do no 1, have the ambassador of Rwanda to the United Nations or his or her representative receive it.
- Or just postpone the award for a period when Mr. Kagame will not be president or the only possible recipient of the award on behalf of the people.
Mr. Kagame if wise enough will not want to be present at a ceremony when he knows the Congolese that hold him responsible for the death, rape, and other atrocities of a father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, child and other countrymen will be waiting outside and inside to express themselves in this nation of freedom.
Of those who are going to be in the room, we have Congolese and friends of the Congo that do not have Congolese sounding names and have a skin color that is different from most people in the Congo.
We will stop our actions only when your website will announce on its home page that Mr. Kagame will no longer be at the ceremonies. Other wise we make it a duty to express to The Africa-America Institute and to the International community what we think of your organization every time we have the chance to do so.
We know that you understand that this is in the name of those who were raped, those who were brutalized like mere objects, and those who died because of decisions and direct orders of Mr. Kagame.
Hope to see you cooperate with human rights in the world
The People of the Congo and Friends
In spite of all the attrocities that Paul Kagame is responsible in Rwanda and in the Republique Democratic of Congo, costing million of lifes widely reported by the media, the Amnesty International and other Human Rights organizations, Africa-America Institute is granting its 21st Annual Award for African National Achievement to none else but President Paul Kagame, on behalf of the People of Rwanda. Ambassador Andrew Young is the Chairman of the event.
This is a disgrace to African and African American people.
We urge the great people of the United States and the Congolese community in particular to show their dismay by protesting in New York and elsewhere on Wenesday, September 14, 2005, 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM. Following is the Africa-America Institute press release for the event: AFRICA-AMERICA INSTITUTE'S 21st ANNUAL AWARD DINNER Summary
We will present the AAI Award for African National Achievement to President Paul Kagame, on behalf of the People of Rwanda. In just 10 years, the Rwandan people have moved from genocide and anarchy and economic viability; progressed toward democratization and good governance, strengthened enterprise and entrepreneurship; and made great strides in the field of education.
While the world remember and draw lessons from the Rwanda's tragic recent history, we also should aknowledge an extraordinary progress--progress that gives cause for optimism about the future of the African continent.
Also Honoring Betty Bigombe, AAI Distinguished Alumna Award Consultant, Post Conflict Unit, The World Bank Peace Negociator, Uganda Jonathan Lifa, AAI Distinguished Alumnus Award Regional Manager of Public Affairs, Chevron Corporation Dele Olejede, AAI Excellence in Media Award Former Foreign Editor, Newsday 2005 Pulitzer Prize Winner Roger Wilkins, AAI Lifetime Achievement Award Clarence J. Robinson Professor of History, George MAson University Dinner Chairman Ambassador Andrew Young Details
When: Wenesday, Septemebr 14, 2005 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Where: Mandarin Oriental, New York 80 Columbus, New York 10019 212-675-9474 Planner AAI Benefit Office Websites AAI
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Fumu Ngondji |